See Xml\Tutorial\1201 Debugging documents\Debugging.Xml for the file used in this tutorial

Tip! Conditional step overs are special markers to skip the execution of the related process when encountered and their logical condition evaluates to True.

When running the example, the value of the [DoStepOver] variable determines whether or not a conditional breakpoint is activated. This example assumes [True].

1. Open the example file

Open file [Xml\Tutorial\12. Debugging documents\Debugging.Xml]

2. Set the step over

Right click the mouse on process [Only keep Belgian ISINs]

Click on [Set conditional step over...] in the context menu

The [Set conditional step over] window is displayed

Set the [Expression] field to [DoStepOver=true]

Click the [Apply] button

Repeat step 2-6 for the last process ([Show transactions])

The IDE shows the two (conditional) step overs that were just set

3. Run the diagram

Click the green [Run] button on the toolbar to run the document

The output of the first process [Show transactions] is displayed in the [Search in datatable] window

Examine the results and close the window by pressing the cross in the upper right side

The [Execution result] window is displayed

Examine the values of variables, datatables, external tables, and logging

Close the [Execution result] window

The IDE remains in run mode and shows the current [Completed] status