Keeping run-time variables
See Xml\Tutorial\1201 Debugging documents\Debugging_Variables.Xml for the file used in this tutorial
Tip! Run-time variables (or dynamic variables) are variables that are set at run-time rather than design time
Tip! Normally, run-time variables are deleted upon completion of the execution of a document. A setting is used to change this behavior.
1. Set the "Keep runtime variables?" setting to True
Click the [Maintain settings...] button on the toolbar |
The [Manage settings] window is displayed |
Check the [Keep runtime variables?] checkbox |
Click the [Apply] button |
2. Run the document
Click the green [Run] button on the toolbar |
The result of the [Misc.NotifyText] process is displayed |
Click the [OK] button |
The [Execution result] window is displayed |
Click the [Variables] link |
The [Search variables] window is displayed |
The run-time variable [myCounter] has been kept post execution of the document |
Close the window by pressing the cross in the upper right side |