Opening and closing documents
1. Normal way to open documents
The normal way to open Xml documents is by Using Open.. in the menu or toolbar.
2. Opening recent files
For documents that were edited recently, a more efficient way is by Using Open recent.
Tip! Click the [Clear list] option in the recent files list to 'forget' all recent files. It will clear the list.
3. Opening documents using drag & drop
Especially when you are using a wide screen monitor or dual monitor setup, you can open one or more files by Using drag & drop.
Tip! Drag & drop also works for multiple files. Each dropped file will be opened in a separate tab in the ScriptoMate IDE.
4. Normal way to close a document
The normal way to close Xml documents is by Close in the menu.
5. Closing documents using the document's close button
The fastest way to close one document is by Using the document's close button.
6. Closing documents using the context menu
The fastest way to close multiple documents is by Using the document's context menu.
Tip! The document's context menu also contains options to view the document's settings, and to view the document's Xml source code.