Starting point of this tutorial is Xml\Tutorial\1001 Managing script data\Variables\Datatable.Import.CSV.Header.xml

1. Open the document with the missing variable

The example diagram refers to a variable [MyFilePath] that doesn't exist yet (hence the error). This variable will be created in this tutorial.

2. Create a new variable

Click the [Maintain variables] button in the toolbar

The [Maintain variables] window is displayed.

Click the [Add variable] button

A new variable is added to the document, with default values ([Name] = New variable, [Type] = String, [Value] = <enter a value>)

Enter the values for this variable as indicated ([Name] = MyFilePath, [Type] = FilePath, [Value] = Data\Tabular.Transaction.Header.csv)

Click the [Apply] button

From the [Actions] toolbar a variable can be added, deleted, or duplicated

3. The design time error is resolved

ScriptoMate detects that all expressions and variables can be resolved, and removes the design-time error