See Xml\Tutorial\1301 Error handling\Error handling.Xml for the file used in this tutorial

For this tutorial, force a run-time error in process [Only keep Belgian ISINs]. Change the [Where expression] to [Like([SEC_NUM] , 'BE*') and (1/0 < 0)] in order to force a 'Division by zero'.

1. Run the diagram

Click the green [Run] button on the toolbar to run the document

2. Progress reporting per process

A red, horizontal bar indicates that the execution of a process was completed with errors. Hover the red warning symbol in the upper right corner to view the error description.

3. Completion with errors

The [Execution result] window is displayed

The number of informational messages

The number of error messages. Error messages will always be logged, regardless the log level.

Click the [Close] link to close the [Execution result] window

The main diagram becomes visible again. Since the document execution did not complete successfully, at least one process should have an error status.

Hover the red error symbol in the upper right corner to display the error description