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dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the average of the values in the specified column
Example: DAvg('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT')
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the average of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DAvgIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String
Return the number of columns in the table
Example: Text(DColumnCount('RDO'))
dtName As String, KeyValue As Object
Determine whether or not the table contains the specified value in the key column
Example: Text(DContains('ISIN', '111617'))
dtName As String, ParamArray KeyValues As Object()
Determine whether or not the table contains the specified values in the key columns
Example: Text(DContains('ISIN', '111617', 349))
dtName As String
Return the number of records in the specified table
Example: Text(DCount('RDO'))
dtName As String, expr As String
Return the number of records in the specified table, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DCountIf('RDO', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
table1 As String, table2 As String
Return a boolean that indicates whether ot not the specified datatables are equal
Example: if(DEqual('RDO','RDO2'),'Yes, equal', 'No, not equal')
dtName As String
Determine whether or not the table exists
Example: Text(DExists('ISIN'))
dtName As String, colName As String
Get the first value of the specified table and column
Example: Text(DFirst('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Get the first value of the specified table and column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DFirstIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Get the last value of the specified table and column
Example: Text(DLast('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Get the last value of the specified table and column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DLastIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, LookupColName As String, KeyValue As Object
Single key lookup in datatable
Example: DLookup('ISIN', 'SEC_NAME', '111617')
dtName As String, LookupColName As String, ParamArray KeyValues As Object()
Multi key lookup in datatable
Example: DLookup('ISIN', 'SEC_NAME', '111617', 349)
dtName As String, LookupColName As String, KeyValue As Object
Determine whether or not the specified lookup column exists in the table
Example: Text(DLookupExists('ISIN', 'SEC_NAME', '111617'))
dtName As String, LookupColName As String, ParamArray KeyValues As Object()
Determine whether or not the specified lookup column exists in the table
Example: Text(DLookupExists('ISIN', 'SEC_NAME', '111617', 349))
dtName As String, colName As String
Get the maximum value of the specified table and column
Example: Text(DMax('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))+' - '+Total
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Get the maximum value of the specified table and column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DMaxIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the Median of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DMedian('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the Median of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DMedianIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Get the minimum value of the specified table and column
Example: Text(DMin('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Get the minimum value of the specified table and column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DMinIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String
Return the number of rows in the table
Example: Text(DRowCount('RDO'))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the Stdev of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DStdev('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the Stdev of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DStdevIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the StdevP of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DStdevP('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the StdevP of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DStdevPIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the sum of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DSum('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the sum of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DSumIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the Var of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DVar('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the Var of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DVarIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
dtName As String, colName As String
Calculates the VarP of the values in the specified column
Example: Text(DVarP('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT'))
dtName As String, colName As String, expr As String
Calculates the VarP of the values in the specified column, where the rows meet the criteria in the expression
Example: Text(DVarPIf('RDO', 'STLMNT_AMNT', '[STLMNT_CRNCY]=\'EUR\''))
testval As Object, replaceVal As Object
Replace a testval by replaceVal if testval is DBNull
Example: Text(IfDBNull(DLookup('ISIN', 'Test', 'GB0005405286'), 'Yes it is DBNULL!'))
val As Object
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified value is DBNull (True) or not (False)
Example: Text(IsDBNull(DLookup('ISIN', 'SEC_NAME', '111617')))
Date & Time.AddDays
timestamp As DateTime, days As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of days away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Today)+' + 4 days is '+Text(AddDays(Today,4))
Date & Time.AddHours
timestamp As DateTime, hours As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of hours away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date time: '+Text(Now, 'yyyymmdd HHmmss')+' + 4 hours is '+Text(AddHours(Now,4), 'yyyymmdd HHmmss')
Date & Time.AddMilliseconds
timestamp As DateTime, milliseconds As Double
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of milliseconds away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date time: '+Text(Now, 'yyyymmdd HHmmss.fff')+' + 4 milleseconds is '+Text(AddMilliseconds(Now,4), 'yyyymmdd HHmmss.fff')
Date & Time.AddMinutes
timestamp As DateTime, minutes As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of minutes away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Date1, 'yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss')+' + 4 minutes is '+Text(AddMinutes(Date1,4), 'yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss')
Date & Time.AddMonths
timestamp As DateTime, months As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of months away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Now)+' + 4 months is '+Text(AddMonths(Now,4))
Date & Time.AddSeconds
timestamp As DateTime, seconds As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of seconds away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Now, 'yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss')+' + 4 seconds is '+Text(AddSeconds(Now,4), 'yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss')
Date & Time.AddWeeks
timestamp As DateTime, weeks As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of weeks away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Now)+' + 4 weeks is '+Text(AddWeeks(Now,4))
Date & Time.AddYears
timestamp As DateTime, years As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is the specified number of years away from the specified DateTime.
Example: Date: '+Text(Now)+' + 4 years is '+Text(AddYears(Now,4))
Date & Time.DateAdd
Interval As String, Number As Double, DateValue As Object
Returns a value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Example: New date: '+Text(DateAdd("m", 4, Now))
Date & Time.DateAdd
Interval As DateInterval, Number As Double, DateValue As Date
Returns a value containing a date and time value to which a specified time interval has been added.
Example: New date: '+Text(DateAdd(Month, 4, Now))
Date & Time.DateDiff
interval As DateInterval, date1 As Date, date2 As Date
Returns a integer value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Example: Date difference in days: '+Text(DateDiff(Day, Today, DateAdd(Day,2,Today)))
Date & Time.DateDiff
interval As String, date1 As Date, date2 As Date
Returns a integer value specifying the number of time intervals between two Date values.
Example: Date difference in days: '+Text(DateDiff("d", Today, DateAdd(Day,2,Today)))
Date & Time.DatePart
interval As DateInterval, date1 As Date
Returns an integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Example: We are in quarter: '+Text(DatePart(Quarter, Today))
Date & Time.DatePart
interval As String, date1 As Date
Returns an integer value containing the specified component of a given Date value.
Example: We are in quarter: '+Text(DatePart("q", Today))
Date & Time.DateSerial
Year As Integer, Month As Integer, Day As Integer
Returns a Date value representing a specified year, month, and day, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Example: New date: '+Text(DateSerial(2019,2,21))
Date & Time.DateString
Returns or sets a string value representing the current date according to your system.
Example: New date: '+DateString()
Date & Time.DateValue
StringDate As String
Returns a Date value containing the date information represented by a string, with the time information set to midnight (00:00:00).
Example: New date: '+DateValue('February 21, 1968')
Date & Time.Day
DateValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 1 through 31 representing the day of the month.
Example: Day number: '+Day(Today)
Date & Time.GetDayOfMonth
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the day of the month that includes the date in the specified DateTime value.
Example: Day number: '+GetDayOfMonth(Today)
Date & Time.GetDayOfWeek
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the day of the week that includes the date in the specified DateTime value.
Example: Day number: '+GetDayOfWeek(Today)
Date & Time.GetDayOfYear
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the day of the year that includes the date in the specified DateTime value.
Example: Day number: '+GetDayOfYear(Today)
Date & Time.GetDaysInMonth
year As Integer, month As Integer
Returns the number of days in the specified month and year of the current era.
Example: Days in month: '+GetDaysInMonth(Year(Today), Month(Today))
Date & Time.GetDaysInYear
year As Integer
Returns the number of days in the specified year of the current era.
Example: Days in year: '+GetDaysInYear(Year(Today))
Date & Time.GetEra
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the era of the specified DateTime.
Example: Era: '+GetEra(Today)
Date & Time.GetHour
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the hours value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Hour: '+GetHour(now)
Date & Time.GetMilliseconds
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the milliseconds value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Millisecs: '+GetMilliseconds(now)
Date & Time.GetMinute
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the minutes value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Minute: '+GetMinute(now)
Date & Time.GetMonth
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the months value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Month: '+GetMonth(Today)
Date & Time.GetMonthsInYear
year As Integer
Returns the number of months in the specified year in the current era.
Example: Months in year: '+GetMonthsInYear(Year(Today))
Date & Time.GetSecond
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the seconds value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Second: '+Second(now)
Date & Time.GetWeekOfYear
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the week of the year that includes the date in the specified DateTime value.
Example: Week number: '+GetWeekOfYear(Today)
Date & Time.GetYear
timestamp As DateTime
Returns the years value in the specified DateTime.
Example: Year: '+GetYear(Today)
Date & Time.Hour
TimeValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 0 through 23 representing the hour of the day.
Example: Hour: '+Hour(now)
Date & Time.IsLeapYear
year As Integer
Determines whether the specified year in the current era is a leap year.
Example: This year '+if(IsLeapYear(GetYear(Today)),'is a leap year','is not a leap year')
Date & Time.Minute
TimeValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 0 through 59 representing the minute of the hour.
Example: Minute: '+Minute(now)
Date & Time.Month
DateValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 1 through 12 representing the month of the year.
Example: Month: '+Month(Today)
Date & Time.MonthName
month As Integer
Returns a string value containing the name of the specified month. Not abbreviated.
Example: Month name: '+MonthName(GetMonth(Today))
Date & Time.MonthName
month As Integer, abbr As Boolean
Returns a string value containing the name of the specified month.
Example: Month name: '+MonthName(GetMonth(Today), True)
Date & Time.Now
Returns a value containing the current date and time according to your system.
Example: Now: '+Now()
Date & Time.Second
TimeValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 0 through 59 representing the second of the minute.
Example: Second: '+Second(now)
Date & Time.TextToDate
dateString As String, format As String
Converts the specified date string, using the specified format string, to a date.
Example: 'My birthday is : '+Text(TextToDate('19680221','yyyyMMdd'))
Date & Time.TextToDatetime
timestampString As String, format As String
Converts the specified date string, using the specified format string, to a date/time
Example: Alarm time is: '+Text(TextToDateTime('19680221-16:45','yyyyMMdd-HH:mm'), 'yyyyMMdd-HH:mm')
Date & Time.TimeOfDay
Returns a Date value containing the current time of day according to your system (with date part set to 01/01/0001).
Example: Current time is : '+TimeOfDay()
Date & Time.Timer
Returns a Double value representing the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.
Example: Seconds elapsed since midnight: '+Timer()
Date & Time.TimeSerial
Hour As Integer, Minute As Integer, Second As Integer
Returns a Date value representing a specified hour, minute, and second, with the date information set relative to January 1 of the year 1.
Example: Time: '+TimeSerial(16,35,7)
Date & Time.TimeString
Returns or sets a string value representing the current time of day according to your system.
Example: Time: '+TimeString()
Date & Time.TimeValue
StringTime As String
Returns a Date value containing the time information represented by a string, with the date information set to January 1 of the year 1.
Example: Time: '+TimeValue('08:31:05 PM')
Date & Time.ToDate
year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is set to the specified date and time in the current era.
Example: Date: '+ToDate(1968,2,21)
Date & Time.ToDateTime
year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer, hour As Integer, minute As Integer, second As Integer, millisecond As Integer
Returns a DateTime that is set to the specified date and time in the current era.
Example: Date: '+ToDateTime(1968,2,21, 16,44,10,744)
Date & Time.Today
Return current date (with time part set to 00:00:00)
Example: Todays date: '+Today()
Date & Time.ToFourDigitYear
year As Integer
Converts the specified year to a four-digit year by using the TwoDigitYearMax property to determine the appropriate century.
Example: Year: '+ToFourDigitYear(GetYear(Today))
Date & Time.Weekday
Date1 As Date
Returns an integer value containing a number representing the day of the week.
Example: Day number: '+Weekday(Today)
Date & Time.WeekdayName
Date1 As Date, abbr As Boolean
Returns a string value containing the name of the specified weekday.
Example: Day number: '+WeekdayName(Today, False)
Date & Time.Year
DateValue As Date
Returns an integer value from 1 through 9999 representing the year.
Example: Year: '+Year(Today)
Return ScriptManager's main application folder.
Example: AppFolder()
path As String
Returns the directory of the specified path.
Example: Directory(TempFile())
path As String
Returns the directory name of the specified path
Example: DirectoryName(TempFolder())
relativePath as String
Return the full path by combining ScriptManager's main application folder and the relative path specified.
Example: ExtendPath(myRelativeFolder)
folder As String, pattern As String, includeSubFolders As Boolean
Return the number of files in the specified folder that match the pattern. If includeSubFolders is set to False, only folder will be searched. If includeSubFolders is set to True, also sub folders will be searched.
Example: Text(FileCount(myFolder, "*.*", true))
filePath As String
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified filePath exists (True) or not (False).
Example: Text(FileExists(myFile))
path As String
Returns the filename of the specified path.
Example: FileName(myFile)
path As String
Returns the file extention of the specified path.
Example: FileExtension(myFile)
filePath1 As String, filePath2 As String
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified filePath1 and filePath2 are equal (True) or not (False).
Example: Text(FilesEqual(myFile, myFile))
folder As String, pattern As String, includeSubFolders As Boolean
Return the number of sub folders in the specified folder that match the pattern. If includeSubFolders is set to False, only folder will be searched. If includeSubFolders is set to True, also sub folders will be searched.
Example: Text(FolderCount(myFolder, "*.*", true))
folderPath As String
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified folderPath exists (True) or not (False).
Example: Text(FolderExists(myFolder))
ParamArray args As String()
Join the two specified parts into a full path.
Example: JoinPaths(myFolder, "Examples", "Datasets")
path As String
Returns the parent path of the specified path.
Example: ParentPath(myFolder)
fullPath As String, basePath As String
Returns the relative path given the full path and a base path
Example: RelativePath(myFilePath, AppFolder())
Return the full path of the current script file (xml)
Example: ScriptFile()
Returns a temporary filename
Example: TempFile()
Returns the temporary folder
Example: TempFolder()
Obj as object, type as Type
Cast object to another type.
Example: cast(100.25, int)
exprStr as String
Evaluates the specified expression
Example: Eval('count=0')
condition as Boolean, trueValue as Object, falseValue as Object
Logical If.
Example: if(100<=101, "Yes", "No")
str As String, pattern As String
Wildcard compare using * (zero or more character), ? (any single character), and # (any single digit).
Example: if(Like("Test2String", "Test?String"), "Yes", "No")
varName1 As String, varName2 As String
Determine whether or not 2 variables are logically equal.
Example: VariablesEqual('bool1','bool2')
Math & Trig.Truncate
d As Double
Calculates the integral part of a specified Double number.
Example: Text(Truncate(100.123))
Math & Trig.Tanh
value As Double
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Tanh(Radians(45)))
Math & Trig.Tan
a As Double
Returns the tangent of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Tan(Radians(45)))
Math & Trig.Sum
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the sum of the numbers that are specified as the function arguments.
Example: Text(Sum(1.2,3.8,2,5))
Math & Trig.SqrtPi
value As Double
Return the square root of the specified number multiplied by the mathematical constant PI.
Example: Text(SqrtPi(16.0))
Math & Trig.Sqrt
d As Double
Returns the square root of a specified number.
Example: Text(Sqrt(16.0))
Math & Trig.Sinh
value As Double
Returns the hyperbolic sine of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Sinh(Radians(90)))
Math & Trig.Sin
a As Double
Returns the sine of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Sin(Radians(90)))
Math & Trig.Sign
value As Integer
Returns an Integer value indicating the sign of a number.
Example: Text(Sign(-10))
Math & Trig.Sign
value As Double
Returns an Integer value indicating the sign of a number.
Example: Text(Sign(10.324))
Math & Trig.RoundUp
value As Double, precision As Integer
Round the specified number up to a number with the specified precision.
Example: Text(RoundUp(2.3456778,2))
Math & Trig.RoundDown
value As Double, precision As Integer
Round the specified number down to a number with the specified precision.
Example: Text(RoundDown(2.3456778,2))
Math & Trig.Round
value As Double, digits As Integer
Returns a Double value rounded to a specified number of fractional digits.
Example: Text(Round(2.3456778,2))
Math & Trig.Round
a As Double
Returns a Double value rounded to the nearest integral value.
Example: Text(Round(2.3456778))
Math & Trig.RandBetween
minVal As Integer, maxVal As Integer
Returns a random integer that is within a specified range.
Example: Text(RandBetween(100, 150))
Math & Trig.Rand
Returns a random floating-point number that is greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.
Example: Text(Rand())
Math & Trig.Radians
degrees As Double
Convert the specified degrees to radians.
Example: Text(Radians(360)/PI)
Math & Trig.Quotient
val As Integer, divisor As Integer
Return the integer result after dividing the specified number,
Example: Text(Quotient(14,6))
Math & Trig.Product
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the product of the numbers that are specified as the function arguments.
Example: Text(Product(2,4,5,2.5))
Math & Trig.Power
base As Double, pwr As Double
Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
Example: Text(Power(2,4))
Math & Trig.Pow
x As Double, y As Double
Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.
Example: Text(Pow(2,4))
Math & Trig.PI
Constant: 3.1415926535897931
Example: Text(PI)
Math & Trig.Odd
val As Double
Round up to the nearest odd integer.
Example: Text(Odd(11.4))
Math & Trig.Mod
number As Integer, divisor As Integer
Return the remainder after division of the two specified numbers.
Example: Text(Mod(10,7))
Math & Trig.Min
val1 As Integer, val2 As Integer
Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Example: Text(Min(10,12))
Math & Trig.Min
val1 As Double, val2 As Double
Returns the smaller of two numbers.
Example: Text(Min(10.5,10.51))
Math & Trig.Min
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the minimum of the numbers that are specified as the function arguments.
Example: Text(Min(1,2,3.5,4,5))
Math & Trig.Max
val1 As Integer, val2 As Integer
Returns the larger of two numbers.
Example: Text(Max(0,1))
Math & Trig.Max
val1 As Double, val2 As Double
Returns the larger of two numbers.
Example: Text(Max(0.5,0.51))
Math & Trig.Max
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the maximum of the numbers that are specified as the function arguments.
Example: Text(Max(1,2,3.5,5,6))
Math & Trig.Log10
d As Double
Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.
Example: Text(Log10(5))
Math & Trig.Log
d As Double
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number.
Example: Text(Log(5))
Math & Trig.Log
a As Double, newBase As Double
Returns the logarithm of a specified number in a specified base.
Example: Text(Log(5.10))
Math & Trig.Ln
val As Double
Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified number.
Example: Text(Ln(5))
Math & Trig.LCM
x As Integer, y As Integer
Return the least common multiple of the specified numbers.
Example: Text(LCM(15, 12))
Math & Trig.IsOdd
val As Integer
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified val is Odd (True) or Even (False)
Example: Text(IsOdd(7))
Math & Trig.IsEven
val As Integer
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified val is Even (True) or Odd (False)
Example: Text(IsEven(7))
Math & Trig.Int
val As Double
Return the integer portion of the specied value.
Example: Text(Int(100.123))
Math & Trig.IEEERemainder
x As Double, y As Double
Returns the remainder that results from the division of a specified number by another specified number.
Example: Text(IEEERemainder(101,50))
Math & Trig.GCD
n1 As Integer, n2 As Integer
Return the greatest common denominator of the specified numbers.
Example: Text(GCD(24,36))
Math & Trig.Floor
d As Double
Returns the largest integer that's less than or equal to the specified Decimal or Double number.
Example: Text(Floor(123.456))
Math & Trig.Fact
val As Double
Return the factorial of the specified value.
Example: Text(Fact(4))
Math & Trig.Exp
d As Double
Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the specified power.
Example: Text(Exp(3))
Math & Trig.Exact
val1 As Object, val2 As Object
Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified val1 and file2 objects are equal (True) or not (False)
Example: Text(Exact(Today(), DateAdd("d", 0, Today())))
Math & Trig.Even
val As Double
Round up to the nearest even integer
Example: Text(Even(10.4))
Math & Trig.E
Constant: 2.71828182845904
Example: Text(E)
Math & Trig.Degrees
radians As Double
Convert the specified radians to degrees
Example: Text(Degrees(Pi/2))
Math & Trig.Count
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the number of numbers that are specified as the function arguments
Example: Text(Count(1,2,3,4,5,6))
Math & Trig.Cosh
value As Double
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Cosh(0.6))
Math & Trig.Cos
d As Double
Returns the cosine of the specified angle.
Example: Text(Cos(0.4))
Math & Trig.Ceiling
a As Double
Returns the smallest integral value that's greater than or equal to the specified Decimal or Double.
Example: Text(Ceiling(100.24))
Math & Trig.BigMul
a As Integer, b As Integer
Returns the full product of two 32-bit numbers.
Example: Text(BigMul(32000,32000))
Math & Trig.Average
ParamArray args As Double()
Return the average of the numbers that are specified as the function arguments
Example: Text(Average(2,4,6))
Math & Trig.Atanh
value As Double
Returns the angle whose inverse hyperbolic tangent is the specified number.
Example: Text(Atanh(0.4))
Math & Trig.Atan2
y As Double, x As Double
Returns the angle whose tangent is the quotient of two specified numbers.
Example: Text(Atan2(2,3))
Math & Trig.Atan
d As Double
Returns the angle whose tangent is the specified number.
Example: Text(Atan(3))
Math & Trig.Asinh
value As Double
Returns the angle whose inverse hyperbolic sine is the specified number.
Example: Text(Asinh(0.5))
Math & Trig.Asin
d As Double
Returns the angle whose sine is the specified number.
Example: Text(Asin(0.5))
Math & Trig.Asech
value As Double
Returns the angle whose hyperbolic secant is the specified number.
Example: Text(Asech(0.5))
Math & Trig.Acsch
value As Double
Returns the angle whose hyperbolic cosecant is the specified number.
Example: Text(Acsch(6))
Math & Trig.Acoth
value As Double
Returns the angle whose inverse cotangent is the specified number.
Example: Text(Acoth(6))
Math & Trig.Acosh
value As Double
Returns the angle whose hyperbolic cosine is the specified number
Example: Text(Acosh(2))
Math & Trig.Acos
d As Double
Returns the angle whose cosine is the specified number.
Example: Text(Acos(0.5))
Math & Trig.Abs
value As Integer
Returns the absolute value of a number.
Example: Text(Abs(-10))
Math & Trig.Abs
value As Double
Returns the absolute value of a number.
Example: Text(Abs(-10.5))
[String] As String
Returns an integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Example: Text(Asc('A'))
[String] As String
Returns an integer value representing the Unicode character code corresponding to a character.
Example: Text(AscW('A'))
strB64Encoded As String
Converts a base-64 encoded string to a decoded, readable string
Example: Text(Base64Decode(Base64encode(myFilePath)))
filePath As String
Converts a file to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64 digits.
Example: Base64encode(myFilePath)
val As Integer
Returns a String containing the character associated with the specified character code.
Example: Text(Char(65))
val As String
Returns an integer value representing the character code corresponding to a character.
Example: Text(Code('A'))
ParamArray args As Object()
Return the concatenation of the string representation of the objects that are specified as the function arguments.
Example: Text(Concatenate("Hello"," ","world!"))
encryptedText As String
Decrypts the specified (encrypted) tekst
Example: Decrypt('32;65;B7;68;BC;CA;BC;0F;A0;DD;B2;58;13;47;DD;7B;')
originalText As String
Encrypts the specified tekst
Example: Encrypt('My secret tekst')
findString As String, findIn As String
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of findString within findIn. The integer is a one-based index if a match is found. If no match is found, the function returns zero. This is a case-sensitive compare.
Example: Text(Find('world','Hello world'))
Expression As Object, Style As String = ""
Returns a string formatted according to instructions contained in a format String expression.
Example: Format(Now(), "Long Date")
val As Object
Returns an expression formatted as a currency value using the regional settings.
Example: FormatCurrency(123400.45)
val As Date, format as string
Returns a string expression representing a date/time value, using the specified NamedFormat (e.g. "GeneralDate").
Example: FormatDateTime(Today(), "LongDate")
val As Object
Returns an expression formatted as a number, using the default regional settings.
Example: FormatNumber(1234567.45)
val As Object
Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (that is, multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character, using the default regional settings.
Example: FormatPercent(0.45)
fmt As String, ParamArray args As Object()
Returns a string representation of the resolved fmt, using the provided args
Example: FormatString("Hello {0}", "World")
enumValue As String, enumValues As String
Gets the index of the enum of the specified name. Enum values are delimited by semicolon (;)
Example: Text(GetEnumKey('Lion','Tiger;Giraf;Lion;Rhino'))
index As Integer, enumValues As String
Gets the value of the enum of the specified index. Enum values are delimited by semicolon (;)
Example: Text(GetEnumValue(2,'Tiger;Giraf;Lion;Rhino'))
String1 As String, String2 As String, isCaseSensitive As Boolean
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
Example: Text(InStr('Hello world','world', true))
StartPos As Integer, String1 As String, String2 As String, isCaseSensitive As Boolean
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of one string within another.
Example: Text(InStr(8, 'Hello world','world', true))
StringCheck As String, StringMatch As String, isCaseSensitive As Boolean
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, starting from the right side of the string.
Example: Text(InStrRev('Hello world','world',true))
StringCheck As String, StringMatch As String, StartPos As Integer, isCaseSensitive As Boolean
Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string within another, starting from the right side of the string.
Example: Text(InStrRev('Hello world','world', -1, true))
delimiter As String, ParamArray args As Object()
Returns a string created by joining a number of substrings contained in an array.
Example: Join(';','First','Second','Third')
Value As String
Returns a string or character converted to lowercase.
Example: LCase('HELLO WORLD')
str As String, Length As Integer
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Example: Left('Hello world',5)
Expression As String
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Text(Len('Hello World'))
Expression As Double
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Text(Len(123456.78))
Expression As Boolean
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Text(Len(True))
Expression As Integer
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Text(Len(2016))
Expression As Date
Returns an integer containing either the number of characters in a string or the nominal number of bytes required to store a variable.
Example: Text(Len(Today()))
val As String
Returns a copy of this string converted to lowercase.
Example: Lower('HELLO WORLD')
Source As String, Length As Integer
Returns a left-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Example: LSet('Hello world', 20) + '!'
str As String
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading spaces.
Example: LTrim(' Hello world')
str As String, Start As Integer
Returns a string that contains all the characters starting from a specified position in a string.
Example: Mid('Hello world', 7)
str As String, Start As Integer, Length As Integer
Returns a string that contains all the characters starting from a specified position in a string.
Example: Mid('Hello world', 7, 2)
line As String, startPattern As String
Parse the specified line, based on the specified startPattern (read until EndOfLine)
Example: Parse('000:71D://xyz/abc/', '71D://')
line As String, startPattern As String, endPattern As String
Parse the specified line, based on the specified startPattern and endPattern
Example: Parse('000:71D://xyz/abc/', '71D://', '/')
val As String
Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms).
Example: Proper('hello world')
val As String, find As String, replacement As String
Returns a string in which a specified substring has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times.
Example: Replace('hello world', 'hello', 'Hello')
val As String, n As Integer
Returns a string consisting of the specified string repeated the specified number of times.
Example: Rept('*',10)
str As String, Length As Integer
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.
Example: Right('Hello world', 5)
Source As String, Length As Integer
Returns a right-aligned string containing the specified string adjusted to the specified length.
Example: ! '+ RSet('Hello world', 20)
str As String
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no trailing spaces.
Example: RTrim('Hello world ')
findString As String, findIn As String
Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first occurrence of findString within findIn. The integer is a one-based index if a match is found. If no match is found, the function returns zero. This is a non case-sensitive compare.
Example: Text(Search('world', 'Hello world'))
Number As Integer
Returns a string consisting of the specified number of spaces.
Example: #' + Space(20) + '#'
string1 As String, string2 As String, isCaseSensitive As Boolean
Returns -1, 0, or 1, based on the result of a string comparison.
Example: Text(StrComp('Hello', 'hello', false))
Number As Integer, Character As Object
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified Character repeated the specified number of times.
Example: StrDup(10, '*')
Number As Integer, Character As String
Returns a string or object consisting of the specified Character repeated the specified number of times.
Example: StrDup(10, 'abc')
Expression As String
Returns a string in which the character order of a specified string is reversed.
Example: StrReverse('Hello world')
val As Object
Returns a string that represents the specified object.
Example: Text(Now())
val As Integer, format As String, cultureString As String
Returns a string that represents the specified integer, using the specified culture string (e.g. "en-GB")
Example: Text(123, 'C', 'de-DE')
val As Integer, format As String
Returns a string that represents the specified integer, using the default culture info
Example: Text(123, 'C')
val As Double, format As String, cultureString As String
Returns a string that represents the specified double, using the specified culture string (e.g. "en-GB")
Example: Text(123.25, 'C', 'de-DE')
val As Double, format As String
Returns a string that represents the specified double, using the default culture info
Example: Text(123.25, 'C')
val As Date, format As String, cultureString As String
Returns a string representation of the specified date, using the specified format, and the specified culture string (e.g. "en-GB")
Example: Text(Now(), 'D', 'de-DE')
val As Date
Returns a string representation of the specified date, using the default format d-MMM-yyyy, and the default culture info.
Example: Text(Now())
val As Date, format As String
Returns a string representation of the specified date, using the specified format, and the default culture info.
Example: Text(Now(), 'D')
str As String
Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string with no leading or trailing spaces.
Example: !'+Trim(' Hello world ')+'!'
Value As String
Returns a string or character containing the specified string converted to uppercase.
Example: UCase('hello world')
val As String
Returns a copy of this string converted to uppercase.
Example: Upper('hello world')
text As String
Convert the specified tekst to a value, using the default culture info. Order is Date, Integer, Double.
Example: Text(Value("21-Mar-2023"))
text As String, cultureString As String
Convert the specified tekst to a value, using the specified culture string (e.g. "en-GB"). Order is Date, Integer, Double.
Example: Text(Value("£1,097.63", "en-GB"))
json As JToken, xpathExpr As String
Selects a single token from the specified JsonDocument (Jtoken) using the specified xpath expression
Example: XSelect(json, xpath), where xpath = "$..trx[?(@.ISIN=='US9435701191')].InstrumentType"
xml As XmlDocument, xpathExpr As String, optional namespaces as Boolean = True
Selects a single node from the specified XmlDocument using the specified xpath expression
Example: XSelect(xml, "/bookstore/book[1]/price",true)
html As HtmlDocument, xpathExpr As String
Selects a single node from the specified HtmlDocument using the specified xpath expression
Example: XSelect(html, xpath), where xpath = "//tr[5]/td[3]"