???.??? Unknown action |
Datarow.Clear Functions Clear a datarow of a datatable |
Datarow.Copy Functions Copy (only structure or both structure and data) a datarow of a datatable |
Datarow.Delete Functions Delete a datarow of a datatable |
Datarow.Display Functions Display a datarow of a datatable |
Datarow.UpdateField Functions Update a field of a datarow of a datatable |
Datarow.UpdateFields Functions Update the fields of a datarow of a datatable |
Datatable.ToAny Conversion Convert Datatable to Csv, Fixed, Xml, Json, Html, or Excel |
Datatable.ToCsv Conversion Convert Datatable to Csv - using mapping |
Datatable.ToExcel Conversion Convert Datatable to Excel - using mapping |
Datatable.ToFixed Conversion Convert Datatable to Fixed - using mapping |
Datatable.ToHtml Conversion Convert Datatable to Html - using mapping |
Datatable.ToJson Conversion Convert Datatable to Json - using mapping |
Datatable.ToText Conversion Convert a datatable to text |
Datatable.ToXml Conversion Convert Datatable to Xml - using mapping |
Datatable.LinkExternal Database Link datatable to an external database table |
Datatable.LinkInternal Database Link datatable to an internal database table |
Datatable.LoadExternal Database Load the records of an external database table to a datatable |
Datatable.LoadInternal Database Load the records of an internal database table to a datatable |
Datatable.SaveExternal Database Save the records of a datatable to an external database |
Datatable.SaveInternal Database Save the records of a datatable to the internal database |
Datatable.Export File Export data to a file (csv, excel, fixed length) |
Datatable.Import File Import data from a file (csv, excel, fixed length, xml, json, html) |
Datatable.AddAggrColumn Functions.Aggregation Add an aggregation column to this datatable, using multiple lookup keys |
Datatable.AddAggregation Functions.Aggregation Add an aggregation of another datatable to this datatable, using multiple lookup keys |
Datatable.Aggregate Functions.Aggregation Aggregate column values of a datatable |
Datatable.GroupBy Functions.Aggregation Calculate aggregation on grouped rows, and set key option |
Datatable.AddApiColumn Functions.ApiLookup Add API column lookup to datatable |
Datatable.AddApiColumns Functions.ApiLookup Add multiple API column lookup into a datatable |
Datatable.LookupApiColumn Functions.ApiLookup Lookup datatable column in API |
Datatable.LookupApiColumns Functions.ApiLookup Perform multiple API column lookup into a datatable |
Datatable.AddCalculatedColumn Functions.Calculation Add one calculated columns to the datatable |
Datatable.AddCalculatedColumns Functions.Calculation Add multiple calculated columns to the datatable |
Datatable.CalculateColumn Functions.Calculation Calculate the specified datatable column |
Datatable.CalculateColumns Functions.Calculation Calculate multiple columns that already exist in the datatable |
Datatable.AddColumn Functions.Column Add a column to a datatable |
Datatable.AddColumns Functions.Column Add one or more columns to the datatable |
Datatable.DeleteColumn Functions.Column Delete column from the specified datatable |
Datatable.DeleteColumns Functions.Column Delete columns from the specified datatable |
Datatable.FilterColumns Functions.Column Filter datatable columns (with column selector) |
Datatable.SortColumns Functions.Column Sort datatable columns |
Datatable.UpdateColumn Functions.Column Change a column of a datatable |
Datatable.UpdateColumns Functions.Column Change one or more columns of a datatable |
Datatable.AddLookupColumn Functions.ColumnLookup Add a lookup column to a datatable |
Datatable.AddLookupColumns Functions.ColumnLookup Add one or more lookup columns to a datatable |
Datatable.LookupColumn Functions.ColumnLookup Perform a lookup on an existing column of a datatable |
Datatable.LookupColumns Functions.ColumnLookup Lookup one or more columns of a datatable |
Datatable.LookupExists Functions.ColumnLookup Determine whether or not a lookup exists |
Datatable.CreateRow Functions.Datarow Create a datarow in a datatable |
Datatable.FindRow Functions.Datarow Find a datarow of a datatable |
Datatable.RepeatRows Functions.Datarow Iterate through the datarows of a datatable |
Datatable.SelectRow Functions.Datarow Select a datarow of a datatable |
Datatable.GetDatatables Functions.GetInfo Get all data tables |
Datatable.GetExternalTables Functions.GetInfo Get all external database tables |
Datatable.GetInternalTables Functions.GetInfo Get all internal database tables |
Datatable.GetLogging Functions.GetInfo Get all log messages |
Datatable.GetMappings Functions.GetInfo Get all mappings |
Datatable.GetServers Functions.GetInfo Get all servers |
Datatable.GetTables Functions.GetInfo Get selected tables (datatable, internal, external) |
Datatable.GetVariables Functions.GetInfo Get all variables |
Datatable.DisplayRecords Functions.Record Display the contents of a datatable |
Datatable.FilterDistinct Functions.Record Select distinct rows from a datatable |
Datatable.KeepRecords Functions.Record Keep records from a datatable |
Datatable.RemoveDuplicates Functions.Record Remove duplicate records from the specified datatable |
Datatable.RemoveRecords Functions.Record Remove records from a datatable |
Datatable.Sort Functions.Record Sort a table |
Datatable.RepeatScript Functions.Script Execute the specified script for each row of the datatable |
Datatable.Append Functions.Table Append a datatable |
Datatable.ClearKey Functions.Table Clear primary key of this datatable |
Datatable.Compare Functions.Table Compare 2 datatables |
Datatable.Copy Functions.Table Copy a datatable |
Datatable.Count Functions.Table Count the records in the specified datatable |
Datatable.Drop Functions.Table Drop a datatable |
Datatable.Equal Functions.Table Determine whether or not 2 datatables are equal |
Datatable.Except Functions.Table Determine the differences between 2 datatables |
Datatable.Exists Functions.Table Determine whether or not the specified datatable exists |
Datatable.Intersect Functions.Table Determine the intersection between 2 datatables |
Datatable.Join Functions.Table Join the columns of two datatables |
Datatable.Merge Functions.Table Merge 2 datatables |
Datatable.Rename Functions.Table Rename a datatable |
Datatable.SetKey Functions.Table Set a primary key for this datatable |
Datatable.SkipTake Functions.Table Skip & take rows from a datatable |
Datatable.Split Functions.Table Split a datatable |
Datatable.Union Functions.Table Determine the union between 2 datatables |
Datatable.AddTextColumn Functions.TextLookup Add a datatable column from a lookup to a Json or Xml document |
Datatable.AddTextColumns Functions.TextLookup Add multiple datatable columns from lookups to a Json or Xml document |
Datatable.LookupTextColumn Functions.TextLookup Populate a datatable column from a lookup to a Json or Xml document |
Datatable.LookupTextColumns Functions.TextLookup Populate multiple datatable columns from lookups to a Json or Xml document |
Excel.ToDatatable Conversion Convert ExcelDocument to datatable - using mapping |
Excel.Export File Save an Excel variable to the specified file |
Excel.Import File Read all OpenXml data from Xlsx file into ExcelDocument |
Excel.Copy Functions Copy an ExcelDoc from a template |
Excel.Display Functions Display ExcelDocument |
Excel.GetSheets Functions Get worksheets of the specified Excel file |
File.GzipFile Archiving.GZip Compress one file using Gzip |
File.GzipFiles Archiving.GZip Compress (using Gzip) files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.GzipFolder Archiving.GZip Compress (using Gzip) the files in this folder |
File.UnGzipFile Archiving.GZip Decompress one file using Gzip |
File.UnGzipFiles Archiving.GZip Decompress (using Gzip) files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.UnGzipFolder Archiving.GZip Decompress (using Gzip) the files in this folder |
File.GetZipEntries Archiving.Zip Get the entries of one Zip file |
File.UnzipFile Archiving.Zip Unzip the specified zip files into a folder |
File.UnzipFiles Archiving.Zip Unzip the zip files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.ZipFolder Archiving.Zip Zip the files in one folder |
File.ZipFolders Archiving.Zip Zip the folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.GetDrives Local.Drives Get drives from the local file system |
File.ClearContent Local.Files Deletes the files from a folder |
File.CompareFiles Local.Files Compare files, of which file paths reside in the specified datatable |
File.CopyContent Local.Files Copy the files from one folder to another, without preserving the source folder structure |
File.CopyFile Local.Files Copy one file |
File.CopyFiles Local.Files Copy files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.DeleteFile Local.Files Delete the specified file |
File.DeleteFiles Local.Files Delete files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.DropFiles Local.Files Drop files for further processing |
File.FileExists Local.Files Determine whether or not the specified file exists |
File.FilesEqual Local.Files Determine whether or not 2 files are equal |
File.FilesExist Local.Files Determine the existence of files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.GetFiles Local.Files Get files from the local file system |
File.MoveContent Local.Files Move the files from one folder to another, without preserving the source folder structure |
File.MoveFile Local.Files Move one file |
File.MoveFiles Local.Files Move files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.OpenFile Local.Files Open the specified file, using the associated application |
File.RenameFile Local.Files Rename the specified file |
File.RenameFiles Local.Files Rename files of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.CopyFolder Local.Folders Copy the specified 'Folder from' to 'Folder to' |
File.CopyFolders Local.Folders Copy folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.CreateFolder Local.Folders Create the specified folder |
File.CreateFolders Local.Folders Create folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.DeleteFolder Local.Folders Delete the specified folder |
File.DeleteFolders Local.Folders Delete folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.FolderExists Local.Folders Determine whether or not the specified folder exists |
File.FoldersExist Local.Folders Determine the existence of folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.GetFolders Local.Folders Get folders from the local file system |
File.MoveFolder Local.Folders Move the specified 'Folder from' to 'Folder to' |
File.MoveFolders Local.Folders Move folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.RenameFolder Local.Folders Rename the specified folder |
File.RenameFolders Local.Folders Rename folders of which the path names reside in the specified datatable |
File.CreateShortcut Local.Shortcuts Create a desktop shortcut to a file, folder, or url |
Ftp.DeleteEntry Entries Delete an entry (file, folder, link) from the specified ftp server |
Ftp.GetEntries Entries Get entries (files, folders, links) from the specified ftp folder(s) |
Ftp.ClearContent Files Delete files from a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.CompareFiles Files Compare files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DeleteFile Files Delete the specified file |
Ftp.DeleteFiles Files Delete files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DeleteSubFolders Files Delete sub folder from a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DownloadContent Files Download the content of a remote directory into a local folder, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DownloadFile Files Download one file from a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DownloadFiles Files Download files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, from a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.FileExists Files Check existence of the specified file |
Ftp.FilesEqual Files Compare a local file with a remote file, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.FilesExist Files Check existence of files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.GetFiles Files Get file entries from the specified ftp folder(s) |
Ftp.MoveContent Files Move the content of a remote directory into a local folder, using FTP or FTPS. The source folder structure is not preserved. |
Ftp.MoveFile Files Move the specified file |
Ftp.MoveFiles Files Move files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.RenameFile Files Rename the specified file |
Ftp.RenameFiles Files Rename files, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.UploadContent Files Upload the content of a local folder into a remote directory, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.UploadFile Files Upload one file to a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.UploadFiles Files Upload files, of which the file path resides in the specified datatable, to a remote location, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.CreateFolder Folders Create the specified ftp folder |
Ftp.CreateFolders Folders Create the folders of which the server and folder name reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.DeleteFolder Folders Delete the specified ftp folder |
Ftp.DeleteFolders Folders Delete the folders of which the server and folder name reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.DownloadFolder Folders Download a remote directory into a local folder, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.DownloadFolders Folders Download folders of which the server and remote folder reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.FolderExists Folders Check existence of the specified ftp folder |
Ftp.FoldersExist Folders Check existence of folders, of which the server and file path reside in the specified datatable, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.GetFolders Folders Get folder entries from the specified ftp folder(s) |
Ftp.MoveFolder Folders Move the specified ftp folder to another folder |
Ftp.MoveFolders Folders Move folders of which the server and folder reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.RenameFolder Folders Rename the specified ftp folder |
Ftp.RenameFolders Folders Rename folders of which the server and folder reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.UploadFolder Folders Upload a local folder into a remote directory, using FTP or FTPS |
Ftp.UploadFolders Folders Upload folders of which the server and local folder reside in the specified datatable |
Ftp.Connect Server Connect to the specified ftp server(s) |
Ftp.Disconnect Server Disconnect from the specified ftp server(s) |
Ftp.GetServers Server Get available Ftp servers (ftp, ftps) |
Html.ToDatatable Conversion Convert HtmlDocument to datatable - using mapping |
Html.ToJson Conversion Convert HtmlDocument to JsonDocument |
Html.ToText Conversion Convert HtmlDocument to Text |
Html.ToXml Conversion Convert HtmlDocument to XmlDocument |
Html.Export File Write all Html from HtmlDocument variable into file |
Html.Import File Read all text from file into Html variable |
Html.Browse Functions Display HtmlBrowse |
Html.Copy Functions Copy a HtmlDocument |
Html.CountNodes Functions Count nodes of an HtmlDocument. |
Html.Display Functions Display HtmlDocument |
Html.Equal Functions Determine whether or not 2 HtmlDocuments are equal |
Html.FilterNodes Functions Filter nodes of an HtmlDocument. Result is a new HtmlDocument |
Html.NodeExists Functions Determines whether or not a node exists in a HtmlDocument variable |
Html.RemoveNodes Functions Remove nodes from an HtmlDocument. Result is a new HtmlDocument |
Http.CallApi Call an Api and store the result |
Http.DownloadFile Download a file from a web site through http web client |
Http.DownloadString Download text from a web api through http web client |
Http.Post Post data to API |
Http.PostBinary Post binary data to API |
Json.ToBinary Conversion Convert a Base64 token to binary file |
Json.ToDatatable Conversion Convert JsonDocument to datatable - using mapping |
Json.ToText Conversion Convert JsonDoc to TextDocument |
Json.ToXml Conversion Convert JsonDoc to Xml |
Json.Export File Write all Json from JsonDocument variable into file |
Json.Import File Read all Json from file into JsonDocument variable |
Json.Aggregate Functions Aggregate nodes from an JsonDocument. Result is a single value |
Json.Copy Functions Copy a JsonDoc |
Json.CountTokens Functions Count tokens of a Json variable |
Json.Display Functions Display JsonDocument |
Json.Equal Functions Determine whether or 2 JsonDocuments are equal |
Json.Except Functions Determine the difference between 2 JsonDocuments |
Json.FilterTokens Functions Filter tokens from Json |
Json.Intersect Functions Determine the intersection of 2 JsonDocuments |
Json.RemoveTokens Functions Remove tokens of a JsonDocument. Result is a new JsonDocument |
Json.Sort Functions Sort a JsonDocument |
Json.TokenExists Functions Determines whether or not a token exists in a Json variable |
Json.Union Functions Determine the union of 2 JsonDocuments |
Mail.CreateFolder Folders Create an empty folder (Imap) |
Mail.CreateFolders Folders Create the folders of which the server and folder name reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.DeleteFolder Folders Delete folder (Imap) |
Mail.DeleteFolders Folders Delete the folders of which the server and folder name reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.FolderExists Folders Determine whether or not a folder exists (Imap) |
Mail.FoldersExist Folders Determine the existence of folders, of which the server and folder name reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.GetFolders Folders Get folders from email (Imap) |
Mail.MoveFolder Folders Move a folder to a new parent folder (Imap) |
Mail.MoveFolders Folders Move folders of which the server and folder reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.RenameFolder Folders Rename folder (Imap) |
Mail.RenameFolders Folders Rename folders of which the server and folder reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.ClearContent Messages Delete all mails from folder (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.CopyContent Messages Copy mails from one folder to another (Imap) |
Mail.CopyMessage Messages Copy one mail (Imap) |
Mail.CopyMessages Messages Copy messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.DeleteMessage Messages Delete one mail (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.DeleteMessages Messages Delete messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.DownloadContent Messages Download all mails from a mail folder to a file folder (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.DownloadMessage Messages Download a message to a folder (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.DownloadMessages Messages Download messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.ForwardMessage Messages Forward a message (Imap, Pop3) using Smtp |
Mail.ForwardMessages Messages Forward to the messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.GetMessages Messages Get files from email (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.MessageExists Messages Determine whether or not a mail exists (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.MessagesExist Messages Check the existence of messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.MoveContent Messages Move mails from one folder to another (Imap) |
Mail.MoveMessage Messages Move one mail (Imap) |
Mail.MoveMessages Messages Move messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.ReplyMessage Messages Reply to a message (Imap, Pop3) using Smtp |
Mail.ReplyMessages Messages Reply to the messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.ResendMessage Messages Resend a message (Imap, Pop3) using Smtp |
Mail.ResendMessages Messages Resend to the messages of which the server, folder, and UUID/index reside in the specified datatable (Imap, Pop3) |
Mail.SendMessage Messages Send a new mail through Smtp |
Mail.SendMessages Messages Download messages of which the To, CC, and Bcc reside in the specified datatable (Smtp) |
Mail.UploadContent Messages Upload all mails from a file folder to an imap folder (Imap) |
Mail.UploadMessage Messages Upload a message (eml) to a folder (Imap) |
Mail.UploadMessages Messages Upload messages of which the file paths reside in the specified datatable (Imap) |
Mail.Connect Server Connect to the specified mail server |
Mail.Disconnect Server Disconnect from the specified mail server |
Mail.GetServers Server Get available mail servers (Imap, pop3, Smtp) |
Misc..LogMessage Other Log a message |
Misc..NotifyText Other Display a message to the user |
Misc..Wait Other Wait for the specified number of milliseconds |
Misc..PromptEnum Prompts Ask feedback (enumerator) from the user |
Misc..PromptMultiValue Prompts Prompt user to enter a variable value |
Misc..PromptYesNo Prompts Ask feedback (yes or no) from the user |
Misc..CronSchedule Repeaters Run the children of the specified action based on a cron schedule |
Misc..RepeatInterval Repeaters Run the children of the specified action every interval |
Misc..RepeatUntil Repeaters Run the children of the specified action until a condition is met |
Misc..WhileDo Repeaters Run the children of the specified action as long as a condition is met |
Misc..RunChildren Runners Run the children of the specified action |
Misc..RunDiagram Runners Run the specified diagram |
Misc..RunExecutable Runners Run the specified executable |
Misc..RunScript Runners Run the specified script (C#, Python) |
Misc..SetVariable Variables Set a variable |
Misc..SetVariables Variables Set multiple variables |
Test.MultiValueTest Test Test MultiValue editors and selectors |
Test.Simple Test Simple test |
Text.ToDatatable Conversion Convert TextDocument to datatable - using mapping |
Text.ToHtml Conversion Convert Text to Html |
Text.ToJson Conversion Convert Text to Json |
Text.ToXml Conversion Convert Text to Xml |
Text.Export File Write all text from string variable into file |
Text.Import File Read all text from file into string variable |
Text.Copy Functions Copy text |
Text.Decrypt Functions Decrypt a text document |
Text.Display Functions Display text |
Text.Encrypt Functions Encrypt a text document |
Text.Equal Functions Determine whether or 2 texts are equal |
Text.MultiReplace Functions Replace multiple strings in text |
Text.SingleReplace Functions Replace single string in text |
Xml.ToDatatable Conversion Convert XmlDocument to datatable - using mapping |
Xml.ToJson Conversion Convert XmlDocument to Json |
Xml.ToText Conversion Convert XmlDocument to Text |
Xml.Transform Conversion Transform an XmlDocument using XSLT |
Xml.Export File Write all Xml from XmlDocument variable into file |
Xml.Import File Read all xml from file into XmlDocument variable |
Xml.Aggregate Functions Aggregate nodes from an XmlDocument. Result is a single value |
Xml.Copy Functions Copy an XmlDocument |
Xml.CountNodes Functions Count nodes of an XmlDocument |
Xml.Display Functions Display XmlDocument |
Xml.Equal Functions Determine whether or not 2 XmlDocuments are equal |
Xml.Except Functions Determine the differences between 2 XmlDocuments |
Xml.FilterNodes Functions Filter nodes of an XmlDocument. Result is a new XmlDocument |
Xml.Intersect Functions Determine the intersection of 2 XmlDocuments |
Xml.NodeExists Functions Determines whether or not a node exists in an XmlDocument |
Xml.RemoveNodes Functions Remove nodes of an XmlDocument. Result is a new XmlDocument |
Xml.Sort Functions Sort an XmlDocument |
Xml.Union Functions Determine the union of 2 XmlDocuments |
Xml.Validate Functions Validate an XmlDoc against an XSD |