1. Add column filter for column [SEC_NUM]

Click the [+] button in the filter section

The [Add column filter] window is displayed

Select [SEC_NUM] as [Column Id]

Select [Begins With] as [Operator] 

Set [BE] as [Value(s)]

Click the [Apply] button

The [Search in datatable] window is refreshed with this filter applied

2. Add column filter for column [TRD_DT]

Click once more the [+] button in the filter section

The [Add column filter] window is displayed

Select [TRD_DT] as [Column Id]

Select [Is After] as [Operator] 

Set [18/7/2019] as [Value(s)]

Click the [Apply] button

The [Search in datatable] window is refreshed with this filter applied

3. More filter actions

Click the link of an existing filter to modify the [Operator] and/or the [Value(s)]

Click the [x] button of an existing filter to remove it from the current filter set

Click the [+] button in the filter section to add a filter to the current filter set

Click the [Reset] link to reset the current filter set. This removes all filters from the current filter set.