Custom functions are used to extend the Built-in functions.

Both VB.NET and C# are supported as .NET languages for defining custom functions.

Build CustomFunctions.dll and save this dll in Extensions\Release\Custom functions\ of the Bin\Core or Bin\Framework folder

Hello World example


//Hello world custom function

Imports System.Xml

Partial Public NotInheritable Class VSDllExtendedFunctions

    Public Property Info As XElement = <CustomFunctions>







                                               <Description>Test string</Description>





    Public Shared Function HelloWorld() As String

        Return "Hello world"

    End Function

End Class


//Hello world custom function

using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace CustomFunctionsCSharp


    public sealed partial class VSDllExtendedFunctions


        public XElement Info { get; set; } = XElement.Parse($@"<CustomFunctions> 







                                                                        <Description>{"Test string"}</Description>





        public static string HelloWorld()


            return "Hello world";


