Components are reusable diagrams containing generic logic, that can used like any other action.
See Xml\Components\Component_FilterRows.xml for the files used in this tutorial
Once a component has been created, it appears as a normal action in the [Browse actions] window
1. Create variables for the component's input and output data
Create variables for input and output data. These variables will be bound to the parameters that are explained in the next section. |
2. Create a normal diagram
Create a normal diagram, with the logic you want to wrap in the component |
Use variable [LocalVar_DatatableIn] for [Source table] in [KeepRecords] |
Use variable [LocalVar_DatatableOut] for [Destination table] in [KeepRecords] |
User variable [LocalVar_DatatableOut] for [Source table] in [DisplayRecords] |
3. Specify parameters
Create the in and output parameters, and bind these to the variables created in step 1. |
Set [Context?] to True for the parameters that should export the data to the using diagram.
3. Enter component settings
Create the below settings |